Think big.
Achieve more.

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Think big.
Achieve more.

Request a free 20-minute strategy session

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One-on-One Coaching

If you’re not making the impact you want or are working hard but not getting results, then let’s talk. Together, we’ll create a path toward your goals and make sure that path is illuminated by your values. We’ll also make sure fear is not holding you back, and that you take calculated risks to grow.

Our approach combines professional assessments, thoughtful conversations, measurable action plans, and techniques to knock down barriers to success.  Our most frequent clients include:

  • Ambitious professionals looking to advance or have a greater impact
  • Entrepreneurs ready to take their companies to the next level
  • Political candidates, leaders, and elected officials working for positive change

We always begin with a complimentary session to discuss what you want to achieve and if we’re a good fit for each other.

Request a free 20-minute consultation

Nicole’s coaching has been a huge asset to my professional development over the years. She quickly grasps the situation, personalities, and dynamics at play. She is careful not to project her own opinion of what I should do. Rather, she has helped me achieve my goals by listening carefully and offering re-framed perspectives on a given situation. Working with Nicole makes me feel like I have a fierce warrior on my side, empowering me to achieve my goals in ways that are authentic to me.

Mara B.

Nicole is my go-to whenever I am in a situation where I feel stuck or am trying to navigate ambiguity in my professional life. She has an exceptional ability to not just bring her own curiosity to a situation but to activate mine as well. Nicole’s ability to nimbly move from a micro perspective to a big picture meta perspective allows her to help me surface possibilities that work for my values and the outcomes I am looking for.  I would not be where am today without her mentorship and guidance.

Guy F.

Career coaching with Nicole has been an incredibly valuable tool for me in seeking guidance and direction in my professional life. It has helped me clarify my goals, identify my strengths and weaknesses, and develop a plan to achieve the career outcomes that I desire. In addition to her expertise, I am impressed by the personalized approach that she takes to career coaching. She has worked with me to create a customized plan that considers my unique strengths, goals, and circumstances.

Dallas S.

Group Coaching

Our group coaching engagements typically last two to three months, depending on the group. During these engagements, we bring together individuals with similar backgrounds and goals to discuss relevant topics, challenges, and goals. Coaching groups are usually limited to seven participants. Please fill out our inquiry form if you’re interested:

Contact us for more information about group coaching sessions >